Frec Direct Indexing

Index investing
that gets you more.

  • Save thousands on taxes

  • Choose from S&P 500 indices

  • Low 0.10% annual fee

  • Personalize your index

  • Low minimum of $20,000

Get started in just 2 minutes
Screenshot of Frec’s direct indexing product

Ditch your ETFs for something better

Just as easy as investing in an ETF, Frec Direct Indexing can help you earn more by unlocking tax savings, no matter the market.

Tax efficient

Frec could generate tax saving opportunities worth ~40%1 of your invested capital over several years. For a $20K investment, that’s $8K which can be used to lower your tax bill.


You can choose between the S&P 500® or S&P 500® Info Tech index, and customize by adding or excluding stocks or sectors.2

Low fees & Low minimums3
Frec’s 0.10% annual fee is one of the lowest in the industry. While some firms require $100K minimum deposits, at Frec it’s $20,000.
Double the wins
Direct indexing harvests 2 times1 more tax losses than the ETF-to-ETF strategies similar to what you find at robo-advisors, leading to double the tax savings.

Your money is

Safety & privacy are our cornerstones

You always have access to your assets

Your funds are held in your name at third-party Apex Clearing, one of the largest US custodians holding over $114B in funds for prominent financial technology companies. In the unlikely event that something happens to Frec, your assets will be fully accessible.

We’re SEC regulated and a fiduciary

Frec is a Broker Dealer and Registered Investment Advisor. We’re regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). They both have the rights to perform regular audits. Plus, Frec Advisers is a fiduciary, meaning we are legally bound to do what is in your best interest.

Our technology is robust

We have strict measures in place to keep your data protected. Sensitive information is encrypted and measures like 2FA and auto log out are implemented for security. We’ve instilled transactional safety processes, ensuring that every transaction is monitored by a human. Our code is written securely and is regularly audited by third parties.

Your assets are insured

Frec is a member of SIPC. Securities in your account protected up to $500,000. For details, please see

On top of this, Apex Clearing offers excess insurance protection with an aggregate of $150M.

The longer you wait, the more you miss out on

Getting started on Frec should be faster than your morning coffee routine.

    Create an account on Frec
    Select and customize your index
    Deposit cash or transfer existing stocks
    Start index investing while saving on taxes

Get more for less

Our pricing, compared

Other direct indexing solutions are more expensive. Wealthfront Direct Indexing charges 0.25%, other traditional brokerages charge 0.40%, and wealth advisors can charge as much as 1.00%.3